As we start to settle into the new academic year, we move into open evening season as senior leaders start to worry about maintaining and growing student rolls to protect budgets.

This is your opportunity to show your value to the school by demonstrating what you and your department are doing around wellbeing.
Demonstrating what you are doing about Student wellbeing is the number one action you should be taking to boost your students on roll. Youth Sports Trust research carried out in February 2021 among UK parents of school age children found the following: Pupil wellbeing is the top factor for parents when choosing a secondary school (65%) ahead of location (62%), culture and ethos of the staff (59%), facilities (57%), OFSTED rating (57%) and exam results (48%). Here at Future Action, we help schools from all settings to create a whole school approach to student wellbeing through our 'RISE Up' programme. We work with over 100 forward-thinking schools across the world to implement our ‘9 step RISE Up roadmap’ that gives inspirational leaders a proven method to transform student and staff wellbeing across the whole school.

We help great teachers give their students and staff proactive self-care strategies to manage their mental health, so all receive early intervention. This reduces the chances of pupils suffering from anxiety and depression in the future so that they can thrive academically and personally instead. If you don’t have a whole school wellbeing programme but would like to add one, then we can guide you step by step so that you can implement an award-winning programme appropriate for your setting within 90 days in a time efficient manner for you. Our programme comes with a comprehensive set of editable resources to save your teachers hours of precious planning time whilst still being able to adapt the lesson to the specific needs of your learners.
Our ‘9 Step RISE Up Roadmap’ is broken down into 3 stages. In Stage 1: we develop awareness of what the programme is and how we can identify those students who are struggling with their mental health but sneaking under the radar to create a proactive culture around student wellbeing.
Stage 1 - Steps: 1 - Intro to RISE -🧘♀️ 2 - Identification - 👁 3 - Self-awareness -🎗
In Stage 2: we equip students & staff with a toolbox of self-care strategies to build confidence & kindness, use worries as a positive, raise aspirations, develop healthy habits and how to access the happiness chemicals.

Stage 2 - Steps:
4 - Confidence and Kindness - 💪 5 - Worries As A Positive - 🧠 6 - Habits 🗓 7 - Happiness 😃
Innovative schools are delivering these lessons through a range of subjects and activities as part of a broad and balanced curriculum that meets their students' individual needs. In Stage 3: we show staff how to embed the programme across the whole school community in over 10 different ways to have maximum impact. We then celebrate the success of our students and teachers to build motivation and our schools' success to attract new families to our brilliant partner schools.
Stage 3 - Steps: 8 - Whole School Impact - 🏫 9 - Celebrate The results have been extraordinary with happier young people and staff, calmer behaviour across our schools, increases in progress and attainment and attracting new pupils to our schools because of the priority they give to student wellbeing.

In addition, we send out personalised certificates to all our partner schools to be displayed in your main reception to prompt conversations with parents on school tours around the great work your school is doing around student wellbeing.
Here at Future Action, we have partnered with schools across the world in a range of settings from Primary to Secondary, International Schools to Special Schools to embed these transformational strategies and enable great leaders like you to have whole school impact.
How we can help you
If one of your priorities this year is improving the mental well-being of your young
people and staff, then we have got a range of taster resources for you.
We have got a scorecard so you can evaluate your current early intervention well-being provision within 3 minutes,
Taster online teacher training courses so that you can help your school become more proactive in identifying those students who are struggling as early as possible,
case studies to provide inspiration of how other schools have gone about boosting the mental well-being of the young people,
as well as a series of blogs on current well-being issues in schools.